Workplace Assessments & Mental Health – Why you need more than a DSE Assessment

A DSE Assessment won’t answer every complaint an employee may have. A DSE Assessment can be done by different levels of practitioner, from a top Specialist down to a lower-level DSE assessor with no medical training. Quite often, mental health related issues arise during a DSE Assessment that may lead to further costs if you’re using a low-level assessor.

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Only Have Eyes: Employer obligations to staff working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

You sit long hours at work going over data and emails but do the right thing and have breaks. Maybe you take a walking lunch answering a work email with your smartphone. You avoid overtime and maintain a good work-life balance. Before hitting the gym, you might take five-minutes to finalise a few notes before tomorrow’s client meeting. It’s about being prepared in a healthy way.

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