Health & Wellbeing

For organisations that believe their people are their biggest asset, looking after the health and wellbeing of those people is a no-brainer. Not in a statutory or legal duty sense, but in an ethical and moral sense: Being a great employer.


Our health and wellbeing van can come to your site

Know Your Numbers

Health screening for at risk groups always produces surprises and can save lives. Simple “know your numbers” mini-medicals give people vital information and advice. Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars, and basic function can provide essential pointers to encourage change.

Lifestyle & Mental Health

Lifestyle, diet, smoking, stress and anxiety: We provide one to one clinics that address all of these issues.


  • Heart health with ECG’s
  • Wellman, Wellwoman and Wellperson clinics
  • Health talks
  • Roadshows

We tailor all of these to meet the specific needs and budgets of our customers.

We would be happy to help you deliver the programme that is best for your staff. Please contact us!