The world of occupational health is full of constantly changing risks and legislation
You need the experts
We offer the best advice supported by brilliant clinical governance
We’ve evolved to match the needs and budgets of today’s employers
We work to keep employees at work and healthy
We are delighted with the onsite provision provided. As a result of Collingwood Health’s Occupational Health management, our sickness absence level has dropped from 8.9% to 3.7% — a reduction of 5.5%.
– Leading medical device manufacturer, Wales
- Infection Control Audits
- Help see your employees through these times
- Employee Pete Frith Nomitated for Volunteer of the Year!
- CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS – Free Stress & Mental Health Master Class 2020 hosted by Collingwood Health
- Workplace Assessments & Mental Health β Why you need more than a DSE Assessment
- Management referrals & HR: How best to enlist the help of an Occupational Health provider
- First Aid Course Dates – 2020
- Speaking about Occupational Health in the Business Community
- Our Gift to You